Recommended Links

Interesting Sites

Orthodox Talks – 83 lectures by Priestmonk Kosmas.

Christian Orthodox Parishes in America

A basic beginning Prayer Rule, or this one – Introductory Prayer Rules I recommend. Consult with a spiritual father once possible.

On-line Reader Service Horologion – Resources for doing Orthodox services as a reader or layman.

Orthodox Wiki – A good collection of articles on the Christian Faith. Unfortunately often many timely articles are often out of date (some broken external links), but in absence of other resources, this is a passable one.

Political and News

News shouldn’t be consumed regularly as a habit, but here are some sites I pay attention to sometimes. [RSS] – Timely updates on relevant to the Church across the globe. – Ron Unz’s blog aggregator. Nice because it has a wide variety of perspectives, all of which are reasonably skeptical of the enforced current of political thought.


Miles Mathis – Solutions to issues in physics and mathematics, critical of errant mainstream theories.


DigDeeper (Tor) – Technology topics, but also very good analysis of things like Wikipedia and the coronavirus hoax, even good commentary on schooling.

Spyware Watchdog – Very good and simple site classifying and comparing software with respect to user privacy. – Software that sucks less. Read their philosophy: See also their recommended software:

Personal Sites

Heaven Tree Webring – A webring of personal sites of some young Christian men.


Marginalia – An excellent search engine. – Search engine for only non-modern sites.

Textkit – Material for learning and studying the Latin and Greek languages and classics. – Collects of ancient and medieval Latin documents.

Library Genesis – Most books available for download. (Link frequently changes and may be dead, but other mirrors will be findable by search.)

Sci-Hub – Remove the paywalls on academic articles. (Link frequently changes and may be dead, but other mirrors will be findable by search.)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – A generally good resource where articles are written by professionals in fields of philosophy, history and religion, instead of some group of socially-dysfunctional leftists, like Wikipedia. Most respectfully, even obscurse aspects of some ancient and medieval philosophers are decently touched on by people who care about the issues and do some dilligence to understand the worldview of thinkers in question.

Individual Pages

Comparison: Francis of Assisi and St. Seraphim of Sarov – On the crucial spiritual difference between true Orthodox Christian saints and their post-schism Roman analogs.

Orthodox Survival Course – Fr. Seraphim Rose’s lecture series on an Orthodox history of the modern world. PDF and audio available.

List of recommended GNU/Linux software

Alternatives to Bloatware

Void Linux

Artix Linux


Father Spyridon – A priestmonk with great spiritual reflections presented in nature.