Contact Me

Digital Contact Information

Other Sites

I’m not on Telegram, I’m not on Twitter, I’m not on Facebook, I’m not on Reddit, I’m not on Mastodon, I don’t post on 4chan and no account anywhere imitating me or any of my “brands” has any association with me other than fraudulent. I do have a GitHub and GitLab Any profile not linked from this site is simply not mine. I suppose I do have a Gab account which you can follow, but I don’t use it.


  1. Don’t get offended if you don’t get a response. I get a lot of email. I can’t do pen pals.
  2. Don’t contact me about gossip or e-soyleb stuff (especially if it’s about me). This includes all “journalists.”
  3. Don’t contact me asking me to shill your product unless it is all free software and you have some comprehension of the themes of my channel. It should go without saying that we’re not consoomers here.

Email Blacklist

My email server cannot communicate with iCloud or Zoho addresses, so if you have one of these accounts, do not email me from there. I might ban Gmail at some time soon due to the sheer volume of spam I get from it, but for now, I still allow mails from Google.

☦️ Spiritual Advice

If you need spiritual advice, I am not the proper person to ask. My response to all of these questions will be the same: Go to the Orthodox Christian Church near you and talk to the priest. If you are an American, you can consult this site to see where the closest parishes are to you.